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Beer & Cider

Sample size: 300 mL

Alc %v/v ($30)

Alc %w/w ($30)

ABV/ABW ($45)

Bitterness units (IBU’s) ($44)

Specific Gravity ($30)

pH ($18)


Cider Pack ($149): ABV, ABW, Malic, Lactic, Manual TA, Acetic Acid, pH, GF

Our most popular beer analysis is, not surprisingly, the alcohol content. We utilize an Anton Paar Alcolyzer ME, which accurately measures the alcohol content using a combination of densitometry and NIR technology. In addition, we can also measure specific gravity and ciders with this same system.


Sample size: 100 mL

Alc % v/v ($30)

Sucrose ($33)

Glucose + Fructose ($28)

The TTB is very strict regarding the accuracy of the alcohol content in distilled spirits. The Anton Paar Alcolyzer ME utilized at Baker Wine & Grape is accurate to 0.02% alcohol. Our range for this instrument is up to 70% alcohol and 20 g/L of extract. If you have a particularly sweet distilled beverage, please let us know so we can prepare the sample for analysis.